(b.1967) -project director


(b.1976) - research assistant


(b. 1980) – research assistant


(b. 1983) – research assistant


He is full professor and since 2012 Dean of the Faculty of History, the University of Bucharest, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Romania. With a wide range of academic interests, he is a specialist in the history of Communism and post-communism (social structure, intellectual history, representations) and contemporary international relations.

Authored volumes (selected list):

// Adrian Cioroianu, Cea mai frumoasă poveste. Cateva adevaruri simple despre Istoria Romanilor, Bucuresti, Ed. Curtea Veche, 2013.

// Adrian Cioroianu, Epoca de aur a incertitudinii, Bucuresti, Ed. Curtea Veche, 2011.

// Adrian Cioroianu, Visul lui Machiavelli, Bucureşti, Ed. Curtea Veche, 2010.

// Adrian Cioroianu, Pe umerii lui Marx. O istorie a comunismului românesc, Bucuresti, Editura Curtea Veche, 2005.

// Adrian Cioroianu, Ce Ceausescu qui hante les Roumains: le mythe, les representations et le culte du Dirigeant dans la Roumanie communiste, Bucuresti Editions Curtea Veche; L’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, 2005.

// Adrian Cioroianu, Focul ascuns in piatra. Despre istorie, memorie şi alte vanitati contemporane, Iasi, Polirom, 2002.

He is a PhD Student in History, University of Bucharest and holds a M.A. in History, University of Bucharest (2007).

Professional experience:

// documentarist for the hebdomadar magazine “Academia Catavencu” (2004-May, 2006)

// editor for the newspaper “Evenimentul zilei” (May, 2006-March, 2007)

// researcher at the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (2006-2013)

// co-author with Marius Stan and Mihail Bumbes of Dictionarul ofiterilor si angajatilor civili ai Directiei Generale a Penitenciarelor

// Aparatul Central (1948-1989) vol. I, II, Iasi, Polirom, 2009, 2011

// co-editor with Stefan Bosomitu of Spectrele lui Dej, Iasi, Polirom, 2012.

She pursues a PhD in History of Medicine (University College London), a M.A. in History, University of Bucharest (2007) and a M.A. in Nationalism Studies, Central European University (2004).

Professional experience:

// researcher at the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (2007-2013)

// since 2012 research assistant at University of Bucharest

// editor and co-author with Florin S. Soare and Luciana Jinga of Politica pronatalista a regimului Ceausescu, Iasi, Polirom, 2010

// co-author with Florin S. Soare, Luciana Jinga (eds.) and Cristina Roman of Politica pronatalista a regimului Ceausescu, vol.II, Iaşi, Polirom, 2010

// co-coordinator of two issues of History of Communism in Europe (2010, 2011).

He is a PhD Student in History, University of Iaşi and holds a M.A. in History, University of Bucharest (2007).

Professional experience:

// researcher at the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (2006-2013)

// co-author of the volume Dictionarul penitenciarelor din Romania Comunista (1945-1967), Iasi, Polirom, 2008

// co-editor with A. Muresan of Casa terorii. Documente privind penitenciarul din Pitesti (1947-1977), Iasi, Polirom, 2009

// issue-coordinator of the IICCR Yearbook (2008).