Memories from the Communist Underground. Memories from the Communist Underground. Paul Cornea & Alexandru Elias in dialogue with Adrian Cioroianu (Event 12.05.2014)

Paul Cornea & Alexandru Elias in conversation with Adrian Cioroianu

On May 12, 2014, the project launch conference, called Memories from the Communist Underground. Paul Cornea & Alexandru Elias in conversation with Adrian Cioroianu was held at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest.


We were really happy to welcome a numerous and diverse public at our first event, a moving encounter with two ”involved witnesses” of the world our project studies: Prof. Dr. Paul Cornea and Dr. Alexandru Elias, both members of the Communist Party of Romania in its underground era. Our guests evoked the Communist world before August 23rd, 1944, recalling the temptations, risks or illusions the membership to this illegal organization involved. Answering questions from public, they also engaged in a critical and post-factual reflection on these biographical events.


The encounter provided the opportunity of an inciting dialogue between history and memory,
previously developed in Paul Cornea’s volume of memories Ce a fost – cum a fost. Paul Cornea de vorbă cu Daniel Cristea-Enache/ What it was – How it was. Paul Cornea in dialogue with Daniel Cristea-Enache (Iași, Polirom, 2013), a book that we warmly recommend to the larger public.


Event booklet


Pictures from the Event: