History and Social Sciences Pedagogical Reunion, Jilava, jud. Ilfov, 23rd of November 2016
Mihai Burcea and Corina Doboș gave the presentation „ANDCO- a digital tool for exploring the history of the interwar Communism in Romania”,
History and Social Sciences Pedagogical Reunion, Jilava, jud. Ilfov, 23rd of November 2016
Mihai Burcea and Corina Doboș gave the presentation „ANDCO- a digital tool for exploring the history of the interwar Communism in Romania”,
Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 18-19th of November 2016
Eight projects of digital history and archives were presented during the first day of the international workshop.
Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, 7th of November 2016-11-28
The workshop, addressing the MA students of M.A. Program History of Communism, Faculty of History, provided extended training
The volume, released in September 2016, presents the biography of Gheorghe Crosneff, an important leader of the Communist Underground in Romania, actively involved in propaganda related activities. The book also depicts the permanent conflict between the Communist underground and the Secret Police, highlighting the actions undertaken by the police to dismantle the leadership of the Communist Party of Romania and the trial that followed. The volume also contains a visual-enclosure of several portraits from the Communist underground press.
by Corina Doboș și Dumitru Lăcătușu
At the National Congress of Romanian Historians, organized by the Babeș-Bolyai University, Romanian Academy, The Centre for Transylavanian Studies and ny the National Comitee of Historians of Romania and held at Cluj Napoca between 25th and 28th of August 2016
by Dumitru Lăcătușu
At the Autumn School „Social Policies in Communist Romania”, organized by Babeş-Bolyai University, Academia Civica Foundation and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung,
by Dumitru Lăcăușu
The chapter „Procesul ‘Antifasciștilor’ de la Craiova (5 iunie-7 iulie 1936)” [ The antifascists’ trial from Craiova (5th of June-7th of July 1936)] by Dumitru Lăcătușu has been published in the collective volume Fenomenul totalitar-realități istorice și abordări istoriografice [The totalitarian phenomenon: historical realities and historiographical perspectives] coordinated by Corneliu Beldiman, issued at Buchaest, INST Publishing House, 2015, (ISBN 978-973-7861-82-5).
Download: Lacatusu_INST 20.pdf (pdf)
by Mihai Burcea & Corina Dobos
At the international conference A Global Party. The French Communist Party in a Transnational Perspective (1917-1991) (25-27 mai 2016), ) organized by Maison des Maison des Sciences de l’Homme & l’ Université de Bourgogne, and held at Dijon, France between 25th and 27th of May 2016, Corina Dobos gave the presentation “The afterlife of interwar French Communists: a group portrait from Communist Romania”.
by Corina Doboș, Dumitru Lăcătușu și Bogdan Tăut
On 17th of March 2016, with the generous support of Transylvania Digital Humanities Centre – DigiHUBB (Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca) we organized a presentation of the digital system and working tool ANDCO.
by Corina Doboş
On 22nd of November 2-15, at the ASEEES 47th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, Corina Dobos presented the digital tool or our project during the presentation „A Digital Prosopographical Study of the Communist Party of Romania in Its Underground Years”, within the panel „Political Lives and Telltale Fates: Understanding the Twentieth Century through Transnational Biographies”.