A Prosopography of the Communist Underground in Romania. Preliminary Results and Methodological Questions.
New Article: Corina Doboș, „Abordări prosopografice ale ilegalității comuniste. Rezultate parțiale și chestiuni metodologice”, Studii și articole de istorie. 2015 (83): 201-217
The present article deals with the preliminary results of a prosopographical analysis of the members and supporters of the Romanian Communist Party of Romania in its underground years. The prosopographical project makes use of 8681 personal records of the Communists illegalists, and its main goal is to build a database with connected digital-applications, available online for free. Specifically, this article addresses the methodology used to construct four research questions (sex, ethnic origins, regional distribution and membership) and their results when applied on a sample of 973 (out of a total of 8681) personal files of Communist illegalists. The article focus on the specific features of our prosopographical analysis, on its methodological possibilities and future developments.
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